Fixing Oak decking
Our best practices to ensure great results!
13th June 2023
Making sure your Oak decking is fixed right is really important to its looks & longevity! We've put together a few tips in this article to help you get the best results...
■ Stay on deck - Wooden decking is a popular product, but has a reputation
of becoming slippery over time. This can be minimised by installing the
decking with a slight fall on it, in line with the length of the boards. This
improves the drainage and will cause rainwater to naturally run off the deck.
■ Fix it right - The length of fixings you use should penetrate into the support
bearer by at least 30mm, and provide a good, strong fixing. You must use
stainless steel screws when using Oak, as otherwise the acidic tannin in the
Oak will react with the mild steel, stain the decking and corrode the fixings.
We recommend Carpenters Mate screws, which are made from marine
grade stainless steel, and will provide a strong fixing.
■ Mind the gap - It is very important to install the decking boards with at least
a 9mm gap between them. This will be wide enough to allow for the
seasonal movement of the boards, and ensure that water can effectively
drain away.