The sawmill journey
From the Oak tree to you...

From the Oak tree to you...
A lot of effort and care goes into converting Oak from felled
logs into useable timber. Logs are first sorted for grade and
yield before beginning their journey through the sawmill.
The outer bark is recycled into bio fuels or similar. The log is
then methodically sawn into boards/beams, constantly being
reassessed to maximise yield and quality. Planks are then
sorted into butts or stacks and prepared for seasoning. The
seasoning process starts with a period of air-drying, followed
by kilning for timber destined for internal use.
Depending on the size of the boards/beams, the seasoning
process takes a number of years before the timber is ready
for selection and sawing/machining to final sizes.
Interested in creating a project with us?
Give us a call on 01460 241777 or email us at