Hewins Oak

Merriot to Lands End sponsored cycle Lands End, Cornwall

Prodigal Bikes

Prodigal Bikes is a charity that brings hope and changes lives in both Africa and the UK. In the UK, they refurbish the donated bikes, teaching engineering skills and giving work experience to those who need that second chance. These bikes are then either shipped to Africa or given to refugees and asylum seekers here in the UK.

In Africa, the bikes are used by patients to access healthcare, and by school children and teachers to get to schools. The organisation also provide tools, spare parts and training to keep the bikes working.

We were pleased to recently sponsor a 164 mile bike ride from Merriot to Lands End to help fund another shipment of bikes to needy children in Kenya!

Prodigal Bikes


"We are writing to express our thanks to you for the very generous donation we received from Hewins Timber, for our recent Merriott to Land's End sponsored bike ride. We are most grateful for your support. Your kind donation in sponsorship for our nominated rider boosted the total raised so far to £3,300, which means that we are well on the way to funding the next shipment of bikes to Kenya!

Many thanks once again for your valuable support and we shall keep you informed of our progress."

A.J. Raybould, Founder & Trustee


Interested in creating a project with us?
Give us a call on 01460 241777 or email us at sales@hewinsoak.com