- British/European
Douglas Fir
Douglas Fir maintains its appearance and shape over time, even when exposed to changes in temperature and humidity. With a warm, rich color and distinctive grain pattern, it adds texture and interest to a surface and has good resistance against decay, rot and insect infestations. The colour may differ according to part of the tree cut, with variations of pink, brown, and cream coming through. Notably characteristic, these variations are often incredibly desirable and are what draw clients to the species.
Product Details
Grade overview
Often a very characteristic timber, with a strong grain pattern and usually quite a few knots (some dead), adding to the overall appearance.
Moisture content
Durability (BSEN350)
Class 3: Moderately durable
Movement class
Price range
Recommended fixings
Stainless steel or specialist coated fixtures
Available lengths
Up to 6.0m
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Give us a call on 01460 241777 or email us at sales@hewinsoak.com